January 13, 2010

I have 15 things to do so I'm starting a blog intead!

I've been reading blogs for years .. years and YEARS! Quite honestly (this is so awful to admit) it's probably the reason I was able to stick at admin work for so long. That right there was a huge indicator that perhaps, just maybe, I needed something more in my life. So I quit. My partner was sick, there were bills that needed to be paid and I quit. I started uni in Feb last year and I haven't looked back.

So a new year has just rolled around and I'm back in the office again. Right back where I started 10 years ago actually. But I finished my first year of uni. I even passed. Not bad considering the miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy thrown in for good measure!

So! 2010! We're up to our eyeballs in debt, I'm minus a few internal organs, I want a baby so bad I can taste it and I more than likely drink too much.

I've never been more content ...

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